The Decision: A Risk for Creative Art

“Jonathan, working full-time here means you cannot work on any of your side projects. You can no longer uber, you can no longer do YouTube, you can no longer work on anything else but PlayTable.”

I sat there listening to my friend’s words and my heart sank. I’ve known him since 2009, been working with him on many projects since 2011, and since late 2014, started the journey of working on this new project that led me from LA to the Bay Area. This current project is called, It’s an all-in-one board game console, which can play every single board & card game in the world: we’re creating the soul for board & card games everywhere.

“As a friend, I understand your situation. But, as the CEO of this company I need you here all the time.” I replied asking if I could get one day off to work on my side projects. “No. Jonathan, we’re crowdsourcing in 5 months. I need you here.”

He gave me a weekend to think about my decision. I sent him an e-mail last Monday and apologized. Yes, I decided to not work with PlayTable in the capacity expected of me, and I’ll tell you why I made the decision…

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On Email Marketing: The (Pre)-Product Launch Formula (Part 1)

An email is the most important and sacred thing you can get from anyone. Yes, your fan may like your facebook page, follow you on twitter, and even be an active participant on your instagram account. But, it will never compare to you having the ability to interact with them first hand via their email.

Image result for marketing strategies

Every single person in the world checks their email on a daily basis. Though we’re at a time where people are now getting accustomed to delineating between spam and important emails… a really good email can gain the attention of your suspected prospect and hook them to your product(s). The right title, message, and follow up can turn your $0 business into a multi-millionaire dollar business. Plus, consulting with an Insolvency Practitioner Dorset can provide valuable financial advice to help sustain and grow your business.

This is why I’m in a love and in a hate relationship with e-mail marketing. I understand the value and importance, but I also know the abundant struggles it takes to acquire an email, get the prospects hooked, and then getting them to pull out their wallets. It’s a process that can take many weeks, many months, and even years!

Why am I talking about all of this?

Well, for the past year I’ve been hired as a brand consultant for a few clients. This job means I’m dealing with the brand’s imaging, product development, and more importantly, the brand’s e-mail marketing side of things, but thankfully,  you can learn more about managing your business online

It’s safe to say that e-mail marketing has been on my mind (taking over) and since this is where I share all my intimate thoughts… I want to share the concepts I have in my brain with you.

The clients I’ve been working with (that I can talk about): Kipkay Kits (60k+ email list ) and The Checklist Mom (it was at zero when we launched 3 weeks ago. We’re now going to be hitting 1,000 emails).

Hopefully this helps you or brings you some perspective about what I know in regards to email marketing. Here we go!

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Why I Made “Say Something Wonderful Surprise!”

I recently made this film to help cope with my anger management issue:

Last weekend I visited my family in San Diego to hang out with my 15 and 17 year old brothers. The youngest one is into film while the other is into music. I’m fortunate to have creative family members because that (this) weekend I wanted to film something for my YouTube channel.

I haven’t posted anything for about a week. But I didn’t want to film just anything, I wanted it to be good.

The first concept I had was to start off being sad and then actually crying. The background would change as my face would tear up while looking miserably downcast. This is how I actually felt at the time (I’m a negative person). Then, the camera would shift and a smile would begin to creep up on my face as I looked up to see… the Disnelyand sign!

The next sequence of shots would be of me having a ton of fun on Disneyland rides. I was going to call it: “The Happiest Place on Earth.” However, we didn’t film it because we realized that Disneyland is very expensive, almost three hour drive away, and their was something missing in the overall concept. I swayed back and forth until I made the decision that we needed to push the idea for a later date.

This got me into a very depressed mood.
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How To Make a Prank Video with LAHWF & Tim Ferriss: Video Strategy?

Today I finished editing and just published my new video: Making a Prank Video with LAHWF and Tim Ferriss. It was a fun one to shoot and edit; especially the editing part wherein I experimented with some FCPX effects. Now, all that is left is doing things to make people view the video.

Before I begin telling you what I’ll be doing today (hopefully it works) – you can first see the video here:

Alright, now let’s get started…
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Networking Strategy

Instead of watching pornographic videos online, I’ve decided to be productive and write a blogpost. The initial title of this post was “How To Be Badass at Networking.” However, I’m making up my mind that my blog shouldn’t be a formal how-to SEO marketing article (that more often than not, is designed for beginners).

My blog should be informal, I’m going to write about whatever I want so there is no pressure to think of something pertaining to a specific niche topic. This will allow me to write candidly and with no remorse.

Remember, it’s all about establishing good habits and creating that momentum that is needed to get your projects/goals completed.

Today I want to talk about my networking strategy. I want to make it clear that the word “strategy” shouldn’t connote something negative. I think people can look at it as if I’m only making friends with particular people so I can “use” them. On the contrary, I meet the people in my network because i) I think they’re fascinating & 2) I want them to use ME because it’s kind of cool when you’re needed.

Let’s begin.

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Throw Content Till It Sticks: Shipping on YouTube

According to Seth Godin, a prolific name in the marketing world, says thatresistance will do whatever it can to slow you down and average you out.”The resistance he is talking about are the outside and internal factors that deter you from completing a project, writing a paper, or in my case (maybe yours) – uploading a YouTube video.

This is a grave issue because resistance can overcome your body and stall you from doing anything. If you let it, resistance will keep you and your goals idle as everyone else passes you by. 

So how do you overcome resistance?

You Ship: Shipping
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